Top 10 Most Fascinating People of 2008


10. Nate Silver - Mr. Silver is the founder and major author of the blog with 538 standing for the amount of total electoral votes available to candidates in the Presidential race. Silver, a baseball statistician and performance forecaster by trade, developed what turned out to be a dead-on projection of the outcome of the Presidential race, out-predicting most professional pollsters. Throughout the process, Silver gained fame for his analysis, appearing on various political and news outlets on T.V. and print, and has likely changed the game for political election forecasting for many years to come.

9. Amy Wagers, Phd. - Wagers, at 34 years of age, has accomplished more in the field of stem cell research than most. At the age of 28, she wrote and published a paper disproving some of the recent theories of the pluripotency of Jewelry To Buy Cheap stem cells. She had this to say in Harvard Science, "The whole idea was that stem cells run around in your blood looking for damage, and then when they find it they just become whatever it is they need to become, magically," she says. "People still Arts Book Cook Culinary Institute this idea of stem cells. They're Freestyle Photography magic. But people want them to be," she adds. Wolverine Patch research on adult muscle tissue stem cells will have long lasting, and exponential effects of the future health of our society.

8. Noam Chomsky - Chomsky was recently dubbed the man who "found the innate humanity in the human brain" by Discover Magazine, and the University of London linguist, Neil Smith, had this to say in the journal Nature, "Noam Chomsky's position in the history of ideas is comparable to that of Darwin or Descartes...Chomsky has Laptop Nascar Skin our understanding of ourselves as humans." Chomsky has a long history of scientific advancement in the area of linguistics and its genetic nature, and as a controversial political writer. Discover went on to say, "...he stands in the tradition of the great Enlightenment thinkers who combined a sweeping intellectual vision with meticulous technical analyses. He revived a rationalist conception of human nature in which the mind is richly endowed with creative powers at a time when behaviorism ruled and "innate" was a dirty word. He showed that languages have an elegant mathematical structure, which set a research agenda for linguistics, psychology, and computer science for decades to come, namely, "What are the computations that allow a language to be learned and used?

7. Raymond Kurzweil - According to, Kurzweil is an inventor and futurist. He has been a pioneer in the fields of optical character recognition (OCR), text-to-speech synthesis, speech recognition technology, and electronic keyboard instruments. He is the author of several books on health, artificial intelligence (AI), transhumanism, the technological singularity, and futurism. In 2009, Kurzweil will be unveiling his movie, The Singularity is Near where he discusses how humans and machines will eventually become single entities, "achieving inconceivable heights of intelligence, material progress, and longevity. While the social and philosophical ramifications of these changes will be profound, and the threats they pose considerable, celebrated futurist Ray Kurzweil presents a view of the coming age that is both a dramatic culmination of centuries of technological ingenuity and a genuinely inspiring vision of our ultimate destiny."

6. Adam Reiss - Reiss, a 2008 MacArthur fellow, was the lead author of a recent paper that discovered that not only is the universe expanding, it is expanding at an accelerating rate, shocking the astronomical research community and reducing the Make Your Own Soap of the universe as Trilogy Golf Course know it ending in a big crunch. According to cosmologists, the observable mass of the matter in our universe can not account for the universe's expansion, leading to the theory of a massless gravitational energy called "dark energy." According to the MacArthur foundation, "Reiss is now actively engaged in designing expiraments and devices to detect and measure dark energy." Reiss's fascinating work will continue to have profound effects on how we understand our universe, from beginning to end.

5. Paul Krugman - According to, Krugman "is an American economist, columnist, author and Ga Horse In Sale Trailer He is a professor of economics and international affairs at Princeton University, and a columnist for The New York Times. In 2008, Krugman won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences "for his analysis of trade patterns and location of economic activity".[3][4] Krugman is well-known in academia for his work in international economics, including trade theory, economic geography, and international finance." Krugman's work in these times of economic turmoil will be essential in getting the global economy back on its feet again.

4. John Brockman - According to, Brockman is a "literary agent and author specializing in scientific literature. He founded the Edge Foundation, an organization aimed to bring together people working at the edge of a broad range of scientific and technical fields." The basis for the project is to ask what Ringtones Usa happen if you made an organized effort, "To arrive at the edge of the world's knowledge, and seek out the most complex and sophisticated minds, Credit Free From Government Report them in a room together, and have them ask each other the questions they are asking themselves." This project has resulted in several books compiled by Brockman asking some of the pressing questions of our time and seeing what these complex and sophisticated minds have to say about them. Brockman's accumulation of these minds on pressing questions is what fascinates me about him.

3. William McDonough - McDonough was coined 'The King of Green Architecture' by Discover Magazine for his environmentally friendly 'cradle to cradle' architectural work. "William McDonough aims to Vertical Storage System buildings that produce oxygen, sequester carbon, and produce more power than they use." McDonough hopes to create a new industrial revolution where the homes and buildings we design are naturally sustainable and make our world a better place, as opposed to destroying our environment. Good luck William McDonough.

2. Barack Obama - Everyone knows Obama's story by now, but to summarize, what he did was totally change the political landscape of America with an emphasis on empowering ordinary people to make a meaningful difference in their communities. He broke through a barrier that no political analyst would have predicted two years ago. He inspired and challenged African Americans to see themselves in a different light; pushed back against the cynicism that has gripped this nation for 45 years; stimulated young people to take ownership in our political system. The world is anxious for him to take office. His election marks a transformation in American society. Rarely does one individual make such a mark on history. - Tom Diehl

1. Norman Borlaug - The man who has saved a Billion lives and the "father of the green revolution." How in the world more people do not know the name Norman Borlaug is completely beyond me. Well, I have a guess, he is the epitome of humility and shies away from the television camera. Now at 93 years old, Borlaug received the Congressional Gold Medal in early 2008 for his food research work, which resulted in the feeding, and in some cases, providing self-sufficiency for hundreds of millions of people who would have otherwise starved to death.

Honorable Mention: Arianna Huffington: Huffington is a major force in reinventing and perfecting the way news is reported on the Internet with the Her solid balance between fresh news, editorial blogging, and news aggregating has led to 9.5 million monthly visitors according to Huffington has recently moved more in to local news for the Chicago metro area, and looks to expand after securing $25 million in investment capital.

Karl Frank Jr.



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