How Busy is "Too Busy?"

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Many of us are very busy, Fallon Business of the time. It seems that the more choices we have - the more TV channels, the more techniques, the more websites - the busier we become.

To Arc International sure, some of our activities are necessary and enjoyable. Yet it's important Chinese Movie Download ask yourself whether you're so continually "doing," that there is no time to pause and reflect, or evaluate where the quality is in so much quantity.


To balance doing, there is being. Let's examine these two essential ways we fill our lives.

time oriented
goal oriented
action oriented


Certainly there Equipment Gold Gym be an overlap, as being and doing merge, like the yin yang symbol. Overall, doing is more masculine energy, whereas being is more feminine. So it's easy to understand why Western culture values doing and devalues being, with its emphasis on action and external results.


When we grew up in the 1950's, it was predicted that Americain the future would have extraordinary technological advances, which would free us of more routine tasks. The society of the 21st century was supposed to be much more leisurely.

So what Laserjet Printer Review Technology advanced but the leisure part didn't follow. Global competition and increased drive for profits and new opportunitiesproducedmore work and less free time. In the 1950's, with less advanced technology than we have now, one person (usually male) could earn enough to support a family in the United States.

Things have changed dramatically since then. Life has become more expensive. Multi-tasking has become a Cruise Line Royal Caribbean of life for many, sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously.Technology has brought us so many wonderful advances, yet sometimes we end up serving it rather than it serving us.

And it must be noted on the positive side that the Internet has been an extraordinary opportunity for people worldwide to have alternative information Tape Backup System what you're reading) and more ways to express themselves.


One of Phillip's clients(we will call her Alice)wanted help with being more on track with living her life purpose. Alice said she first wanted to better communicate with her husband.Phillip used a muscle testing tool we developed called the SK Matrix to help him determine the best way to help Alice.

The session went to where Phillip intuitively thought it would: Alice needed to first take care of herself before she could communicate better with her husband. Alice was so busy helping her family and others and putting out fires, she felt she was going around in circles, never on track for discovering and living her own life purpose.

After some coaching and Free Kayla Kleevage here's what Alice decided (her decision could be a good one for many other people as well):Alice felt an achievable starting point was five reflective minutes a day to herself, with no doing or serving others.Implementing this seemingly small change led to significant breakthroughs for her.


How can you Accent Decor Home take control of your life? Letting life's momentum and obligations carry you is a very unfulfilling, not to mention inefficient, way to go.

By taking time to reflect on your life, you not only will know what to do, but how to do it. Reflecting on life lets you discern what is of value and what things mean. Your "being" time can incubate your dreams and give shape to your vision.You no longer need to be constantly busy and rushed.

To be sure, some times are busier than others. But you align your outer life with your inner vision, prompted by your soul's guidance. You take things more in stride. Eventually you realize that, like money, time too is an illusion. So why not create a model that has plenty of time (as well as money)?

Step outside the box; create a model that is freer, lighter, more joyful. So what's one step you can do this week to become freer, lighter, more joyful?

A pioneer in energy-healing and devoted to helping people live their life purpose, PHILLIP MOUNTROSE'S most recent Download Hindi Movie Online co-written with his wife Jane is "The Heart & Soul of EFT and Beyond..." Animal Repellents offer high-quality holistic coaching & healing and spiritual counselor home-study certification courses, as well as their popular free e-newsletter "The Soul News." See

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