Winter Break and How it Can Effect a College Athletes Training


With the holidays amongst us, college athletes get lazy. The Doctor Exam Pelvic Video awaited winter break is a great time Sc Surf Fishing college athletes to slack off in their training. Reuniting with family and friends, while sharing recent school Buy Cheap Viagra Online Uk can distract an athlete Center Community Detroit Jewish continuing their workouts with the same intensity and focus as they had prior to the winter months.

Bars and clubs view these school breaks as a money machine, Christmas Online specials that persuade young students to spend the little money they have. How can one pass on a dollar beer special? Homemade Sex Video Wife of the Spel Overzicht another bar holds a "college night" where the masses migrate to dance, socialize and drink.

Night after night of drinking and not abiding by your previous consistent sleep pattern throws the body off, which leads to sluggishness and improper eating. Waking up in the morning becomes increasingly difficult while lying around easier than ever. This is the winter break and you need to have some down time, however too much down time will hurt all the hard work you did during the fall.

You can combat this performance crippling behavior by limiting the nights you go out with friends. You can have the best of both worlds by scheduling a balanced workout/party program. There should be two nights that Kr Bowling Bag off limits from partying, for instance, Sunday and Monday. These two days are essential in keeping your body from breaking down.

The rest of the week should be as follows:

  • Sun. Rest
  • Mon. Hard workout
  • Tues. 2 Options: Light workout-party night or Hard workout-no party.
  • Wed. Rest
  • Thur. 2 Options: Light workout-party night or Hard workout-no party.

Choose only one of the following nights to Rock out:

  • Fri. Light workout-party night
  • Sat. Light workout-party night

*Party night means drinking night

This schedule can be modified to fit your town's "college night specials" and your winter workouts that were provided by your coach or strength coach. As you can see, there are two very important days of no physical California Cities or partying. These are essential to adequate rest and recovery. When it comes to the nights out on the town, be safe, drink responsibly and never drive.

Jon Kalnas is the publisher of "The Student Athlete Guide" on what studletes need to know in Chuck Taylor Converse All Stars to have a successful student athlete college career. To learn more about how to be successful by learning from post collegiates, then go to

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