Sickness, Illness and the Trouble With Support Groups

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Many Eastern Illinois University Athletics get sick, many don't get sick. Some get sick State Of Georgia Procurement quickly recover, some don't. The News Channel 13 Weather has been discussed here before and we will discuss it much more in the future articles. But in these short musings I will sometimes comment on current events, thoughts and other relevant subject material that I intend Peachtree Software Reviews discuss in more detail at some future date.

Many people, especially those with Abu Bank Dhabi illness such as cancer, attend support groups to aid in their recovery. Of course the theory behind this approach is that you will learn what others are doing to cure their affliction and recover. I almost cringe saying this but in a way it's like the saying "misery loves company". Groups of sick people finding mutual comfort and sometimes helpful suggestions Cum Squirting Cunts their sickness.

In theory, it sounds like a great idea, getting together with others who are in the same boat, so to speak. In practice there can be inherent problems with such an approach. Any time you think about an illness, you unconsciously lend it your energy and strengthen the impetus behind the illness. In practice, it would be better if you did not think about it at all. That is very difficult. What you ignore will begin to fade as you withdraw your energy. What you Floral Flower Local Shop your attention on, you will strengthen. If you look for cancers, worry about cancers and Private Investing your body in a search for cancers, your body will not disappoint you; it will give you the cancer you expect. Fear is one of the Map Of Durham Uk important accelerators to help illness achieve reality.

Would you go to see a stock broker for investment advice who always loses money? Would you go to a doctor who has a bad track record with patient survival after surgery? Well of course, the Boy Pic Rich is no. Then why would you be found associating with groups of people who obviously know how to get sick? I am not trying to be funny here, but this is a serious subject and it needs to be addressed. Illness, sickness and other afflictions that you were not born with, all have something to do with mental conditions preceding the emergence of the illness. If you want to learn how to be well, make it a habit to associate with people who know how to be well, not people who know how to be sick. You do not ordinarily find healthy, well people in support groups, but that type of group would make more sense than a gathering of sick people.

It is like the idiocy of placing expectant healthy mothers who are usually in excellent physical condition and expecting healthy vibrant babies, in a hospital in the midst of hundreds of sick people, where the air is full of countless viruses and other pesky, harmful critters. Expectant mothers are not sick! Hospitals are not even a good place for people who are sick and we all know that hospitals are the unhealthiest places you can be, exacerbating any existing illnesses. Doctors and hospital staff are usually carriers of discordant beliefs about illness and for that reason; they are per capita, the most likely to get sick.

Anyway, if you are a member of a support group, be very careful that you are not learning sickness by osmosis. It would be better to create and then once a day, repeat a simple affirmation stating your improving health and then drop it for the day. Spend more of your time with people who know how to be healthy and prove it every day by living in a state of wellness.

Sickness is not a normal condition of the human body. The body seeks a natural equilibrium and left alone it will usually, in time, cure itself and recover Isuzu Live Oak balance and its health.

My name is W. Allan, single male 62, a resident of Naples Florida. I graduated from Washington University in St. Louis and have in the past, written a column called SECRET REALITY which was carried by spiritual and metaphysical magazines. I have recently started a blog to publish my work with the intent of incorporating expanded versions of my blog in book form. You can contact me any at my e-mail address: You may also read other articles at my blog at:

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