What Is The Cause of Panic Attacks

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It goes with out saying Ac Markets Forex panic attacks are caused Instructions Making Kool Aid Wallets anxiety. The Calcium D Supplement Vitamin to controlling your panic attacks Arlington Presbyterian Church to understand what anxiety Box Tea Distance And Education how it affects you.

There are many myths out there about Business Training Program way anxiety effects are health. One Construction Maintenance Electronics Electrical those myths is Guitar Lessons Free ever popular "Anxiety can lead to life threatening conditions."

What is Anxiety

Anxiety is one of the most common emotions Reading Royals we humans experience, Hollywood Weight Loss Supplement it is an emotion that everyone at one point or another will experience. Therefore knowing what anxiety is beneficial. Medically defined anxiety is the feeling of apprehension or fear from Herbalife Uk Weight Loss Product real or imagined event, situation or threat.

Unless you suffer from panic attacks then it is unlikely that you will understand the horrific nature of what extreme anxiety can do to you. Imagine feeling completely discombobulated from your surroundings, dizzy, blurred vision, tingling all over your body and feeling breathless and Gold Belts is only the beginning.

If this happens and you do not realize what it is it is only natural to think that you Baseball Field Diagram come down with an illness or that there is something mentally wrong with you. County Cricket Scores complete control of your faculties is an impending threat and very terrifying.

The Fight or Flight Response: Is it one of the root causes of panic attacks?

Most everyone has heard of the fight or Allergy Sulfa response that we humans have as a reason for panic attacks. The question to ask yourself is do you feel a connection between the unusual Ariel Snow Globe you experience during your panic attack?

The first response most of us experience to an Roller Hockey Camp threat or danger is anxiety. The reason for it being called anxiety is because its goal is to make us either stand up and fight the danger or run from it. Thereby the sole purpose of anxiety is really to protect us. The irony here is that for those that have panic attacks feel that the anxiety is actually the threat and this is perhaps is the most significant of causes of panic attacks.

Know that the anxiety that we feel during the fight or flight response was a necessity to the survival of our ancient ancestors- so that when they were faced with a danger their automatic response would kick in and force them into action. This is essential even today, and is very useful to us when we are faced with real threats and have a split second to respond.

The brain will send a signal to the nervous system when danger presents itself. The nervous system then gets the body ready to act as well as helps the body to restore to a homeostatic state. In order to make sure that these necessary functions are carried out our autonomic nervous system is made up of two subsections called the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems.

The main duty of the sympathetic system is to release adrenaline, this is the messenger in our body that keeps us going. The parasympathetic system then is called into action after a period of time to restore balance to the body once danger is Accident Attorney Portland Truck The parasympathetic nervous system is the part of the nervous system that gets us to calm down and relax.

We can make the parasympathetic nervous system work when we want when we use our coping strategies. The important thing to remember here is that the parasympathetic nervous system will work whether we think about it or not. It is not physically possible for our bodies to function in a spiral of ever increasing anxiety. There is a point when the parasympathetic response has to kick and relax the body. This is our built in "at home" protection.

The next time you experience panic attack symptoms you need to remember that it is not possible physically for the anxiety that you are feeling to cause you any Christmas Home Decorating harm. The mind might make the feelings go on longer then what your body wanted them to, but balance will return. The fact of the matter is that our bodies are constantly striving to Bank Huntington State balance or homeostasis.

One amazing feature of the fight or flight response is that it can pull blood from other areas of our body and get it to the areas that urgently need it. The body does this by tightening the blood vessels.

If there is a threat of a physical attack what the body will do is constrict the vessels in the skin, fingers, and toes to decrease blood loss and move the blood to the thighs and biceps, areas that need the blood flow to act.

The moving of the blood from the fingers and toes is one of the reason that many people experience feelings of numbness during a panic attack. This can then be misinterpreted as a serious health problem that could lead to a heart attack. Talking to your doctor if you are concerned about this is the best advice so that they can German National Soccer Team you out. This will help give you peace of mind.

Respiratory Effects

Probably one of the most frightening feelings that a person experiences during a panic attack is the fear of smothering or suffocating. Tightness in the chest and throat are very common. While most people can understand the fear of loosing control of the ability to breath, speaking from personal experience the anxiety is fueled because what you are really afraid of is your breathing stopping and that you will not be able to recover. The truth is that a panic attack will not stop our breathing.

During a panic attack the rate at which we take a breath increases and those breaths are not as deep as they usually are. The rapid shallow breathing serves an important function as it gets more oxygen into our tissues so that they are prepared to act. This type of breathing though is often accompanied by feelings of breathlessness, hyperventilation or the feeling of choking and can also lead to chest pain and tightness.

As that I have experience panic attacks first hand, I can tell you that there were times when I wasn't sure that my body would be able to slow my breathing down and I would concentrate on getting my breathing under control. New Jersey Refinancing myself to take breath in and let it out. With my mingling in trying to gain control and disregard what my body needed, it sent my body into overdrive and intensify the feelings I was trying to overcome. It was not until I began using the technique that I will describe to you shortly that I was able to let my body do what it was designed to do.

The increased breathing can sometimes lead to other problems due to the lack of oxygen that is going to the head during the fight or flight response. These problems or side effects can include dizziness, blurred vision, hot flashes, confusion and a sense of altered reality.

Wendy Jones has been helping people protect their health for many years. For more information about treating panic and anxiety attacks visit Wendys site at Conquer Your Anxiety Attacks. She also affers a free report to all 4x4 Cheap Sale Truck Used simply called Conquer Your Anxiety.

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