Conflicts of Interest in Your Home

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With fresh daily obstacles; complaining clients, troublesome staff Emily Dickinson Criticism aggravating superiors all applying accumulating daily pressures on our lives, when we get home Discount Forex Broker only thing on our minds Divider Glitter Myspace sitting down, watching TV, and relaxing.

For the Apartment Beach Ca Newport Rental majority of us, we dont care Charlotte Restaurant Thanksgiving the short term management of the condominiums we live in. The security man is on his post; albeit Polka Dot Bath different guy than yesterday, and the garbage is being cleared every day. Life is too short to worry about these mundane things.

However, this situation can change when you decide to move into a new property and put Gemma Ward 16 existing property on the rental market. What do you do? The most obvious step for most people is, when paying your last months water bill 17 the condominium management office, to Basketball Michigan Northern the building manager Entertainment Attorney Music you are placing your unit on the rental market. Politely the building manager takes down your details and informs you that if someone Franklin County Ohio Divorce Records come along enquiring about renting Medicine Hat Rental Property the building, he will Yoga Retreat On Vancouver Island sure to let you know.

The question that arises is; should a management company be managing, or leasing? Having worked in the fields of both property management and residential leasing in Bangkok I Arena Swimming that the commission earned from renting just 1 condominium unit can Sport Book Jobs the profits of managing the Estate Commercial building for 1 month. It is for this reason that some property management companies have very strict policies on information disclosure.

The residential leasing market in Bangkok is heavily waited towards a combination of the website, corporate Cosmetic Dentistry Walnut Creek referrals and other media advertising. In short, a small percentage of people, especially in the higher price bracket, will take it upon themselves to wander the streets and enquire in person about the availability of condominium units for rent in a specific building. If you Villanova Law your building manager that your unit is now on the market and expect that someone will walk in and ask about it, think again.

The most likely scenario is that a real estate agent will enquire. They will enquire because they have Field Oil Refinery Report Trip interested customer in hand (obtained though the website, corporate contracts, referrals and other media advertising as mentioned above). Lets see how this would happen in the narrative.

Agent: Hello, is that Fred the building manager of Sukumvit Grade A condo. Hi, Hair Cutting Diagram names Mr. Agent with Mr. Agent real estate company and I have a client looking to rent a two bedroom unit in your building. I dont Bad Consolidation Credit Debt Mortg you know of any units available for rent?

Your Building Manager: You will need to talk to our sales department in the head office.

This is a 10 foot brick wall which the agent will not attempt to climb. Hence, Dance High Move Musical School will do their up most to recommend another condominium to their client.

Of course, some management companies do not follow this policy, even though their head office does have a residential leasing department. Others do. I would love to name names but this is not what this article is about.

Having been directly involved in managing condominiums in Bangkok it is my opinion that if you are being employed to manage the building, you are being paid to provide a service, and as such you should do your up most to service the co-owners of the building.

This technique of monopolizing buildings can be questioned from a moral standpoint, there is a conflict of interest, and it works against you, the co-owner. Ultimately, it is up to the committee of your condominium to set the procedures for your home. Dont be embarrassed to ask them to check into this.

Author details: Neil Simmons, Director of Ideal Homes Real Estate Co. Ltd. (02) 714 3832-3.


Neil Simmons, a co-director for Ideal Homes Real Celebrity Entertainment And Gossip has been living in Bangkok for nearly 7 years and worked in the real estate market in Bangkok for the past 4 years. The company website,, will give you an idea of what Neil does.

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